Clubs & Organizations

Developing well-rounded students extends beyond academics. We encourage students to engage in meaningful activities where they will develop leadership skills and network in the community. Clubs are a wonderful way to open your mind to the endless possibilities!

Get Involved

Ready to meet your peers who enjoy the same activities as you do? Then we invite you to Join one of our clubs. And if you don’t see what you like, talk to us, we’d love to add clubs and organizations that interest our students.

Currently we offer:

  • Art Club
  • Art Honor Society
  • BETA
  • Equestrian
  • Film Club
  • Gaming Club
  • Interact
  • Student Government Association (SGA Griffin Gazette)
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society

Upper School Flex Days

We believe students learn more when they are active, social, and creative learners. Upper School Flex Days occur each Friday according to the scheduled early-release bell schedules. This allows students to meet in small groups to pursue projects in a subject area or to engage in service activities.

We also schedule opportunities for enrichment, remediation, and clubs, except on designated staff development Fridays. Flex Friday afternoons present a great opportunity for students to complete required service hours with local, non-profit organizations.